Monday, April 12, 2010

"What is Man?" CSBS Abstract

Come the end of May I will be reading a paper for the following abstract at the annual meeting of the Canadian Society of Biblical Studies:
“What is Man?” Creation and Anthropology in the Hebrew Bible to the Hodayot

A prominent form critical element of the Hodayot found among the Dead Sea Scrolls has been termed “Doxologies of Lowliness”, after the so-called “Doxologies of Righteousness” of the Hebrew Bible. These Qumran texts share with their biblical counterparts an emphasis on the righteousness of God, but along with amplifying the emphasis on human sinfulness they ground human lowliness and sin in humanity’s very creatureliness rather than simply its behaviour. This paper will investigate select Hebrew Bible texts which combine the themes of creation and anthropology, including the P and J sources in the primordial history of Genesis, Psalms 8 and 139, and a selection of texts from the Book of Job, in order to compare their own formulations of the tension between human creatureliness and sinfulness and to uncover any tradition-historical connections which may illuminate the Doxologies of Lowliness.
I invite any suggestions regarding bibliography, especially in the Hebrew Bible material.


Jeffrey García said...

I actually wrote a paper on Hodayot's allusions to Gen 2's creation account over Gen 1.

Nick Meyer said...

Jeffrey: it's nice to hear i'm not the only one thinking about this. What are you writing your dissertation on?

Jeffrey García said...

Actually, I am still in the midst of coursework. Not working on my dissertation yet.